Tagged with Barack Obama

Obama wins second term. Is the best really yet to come?

Obama wins second term. Is the best really yet to come?

Well he did it again. President Barack Obama remains in office after a grueling 18 months of campaigning.  In the end Romney  and his sidekick just didn’t have that warm, fuzzy, ‘trust me’ factor that Obama did (note to the GOP: you really need to get on that. You look like a bunch of grumpy … Continue reading

Why this Urban Bushwoman has Barack’s Back

Why this Urban Bushwoman has Barack’s Back

Last night’s extraordinary speech by PRESIDENT Barack Obama got me all roused up this morning.  I was fired up and ready to go at 11:15 last night but when you live in Howard County there’s really nowhere to go.  I felt like he won the Superbowl and we should flood the streets celebrating.  But he … Continue reading