Tagged with elections

Watson vs. Kittleman: The Education Side

Watson vs. Kittleman: The Education Side

Here we are. After months and months and MONTHS of campaigning the voting season is in it’s final weeks.I’m sure everyone involved will breathe a huge sigh of relief come November 5th. I have to be honest with you. I tuned out of all this election stuff around the first week of September. This election … Continue reading

Bob Ballinger and the Autism ribbon

Why is the ribbon there? I got a robo call from Bob Ballinger’s campaign yesterday with a recording of his son asking me to vote for his old man. It reminded me that I wanted to blog about him and his connection to Autism. During the last election Bob visited my home along with some … Continue reading

Why should you vote? I really don’t know

Why should you vote? I really don’t know

I’m a member of a Black Greek Letter sorority. In my chapter of this sorority, I am the vice-chair of the political committee. As the vice chair, I’m supposed to keep the members abreast of things they should know about when it comes to politics and connect them with meetings, local and state politicians, elections, … Continue reading