Thnigs That Make Me Shake My Head: A “Spiteful” County Council

Y’all see this, right? The Columbia Flier says that the county council harbors “spite” towards our County Executive Allan Kittleman over his nominations for the Planning Board and Human Rights Commission. I won’t rehash the dirty details because I’m sure you can read but what makes my ass itch is the way the Flier wants to make Mr. Kittleman seem like an angel. As if the Dems on the Council are somehow a group of bullies picking on him when all he’s trying to do is be a good leader. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!! Are you kidding me?

Sorry Flier. I’m not drinking that Kool-Aid. Try a different flavor. What exactly do you call a man who fires a half a dozen people on his first day on the job (right before Christmas; Today’s your last day) because they supported the Democratic agenda during the election?


Nuff said.


2 thoughts on “Thnigs That Make Me Shake My Head: A “Spiteful” County Council

  1. Lol you’re just upset because he fired you! As if it’s not uncommon to replace high-level staff at the beginning of a new administration. Lol. I agree with the county council on this bill and think it should have been signed, but come on… talk about spiteful.

    • I agree it is common to fire higher level staff upon coming into office but as you say “come on”. You KNOW that was a spiteful move to do it without a two week notice during the holiday season. But whatever. Spite for spite is the game we play now.
      PS I have never worked for the County.
      Thanks for your comment!

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